Te Whare Taonga o Kororareka
Russell Museum

Museum concept completed in 2018 while working at Isthmus.


Otoparae - King Country

This award winning house was completed in 2004 while working at Mitchell & Stout Architects.

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Co-housing project.

Terraced houses completed in 2020 while working at Mitchell & Stout Architects.

Hastings Civic Square.

Mike Austin & Ginny Pedlow were awarded the first prize in the Hastings Civic Square competition in 2012

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Waiheke House.

This award winning house was completed in 2008 while working at Mitchell & Stout Architects.

Thorne Bay House.

Concept design of a private house on Takapuna Beach undertaken while working at Isthmus.

Langs House.

Designed by Adelle as a spec house for Hammond Group